THE TOPLIST: Top 15 Most Effective Ways to Beautify Skin from Natural Ingredients

  1. Smooth skin with fresh strawberry scrub

    After a busy week with a bunch of work at the company, meetings with partners that make you tired and stressed, reward yourself with a relaxing and comfortable weekend on the soft sofa at home, listen to some gentle lyrical songs and make an extremely simple scrub recipe with fresh red strawberries. The acid in strawberries and sugar particles will exfoliate dead skin cells, combined with vanilla extract and almond oil, will help the lips and face become soft and smooth, reduce wrinkles and dark circles.

    Ingredient :

    • 2 tablespoons fresh strawberry puree
    • 150gr granulated sugar (if you can’t find it, you can put granulated sugar in a blender to puree)
    • 2 teaspoons almond oil
    • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract


    • Mix ingredients well in a large bowl or mortar.
    • Store in a cool place for a week, if you want it longer you can put it in the refrigerator.


    How to use :

    • Apply the mixture evenly all over the face and body before or after bathing.
    • Relax for about 10 minutes, rinse and gently pat dry your body.
    • The amount of ingredients in the recipe is enough for 2 times.
    Fresh strawberry scrub
    Fresh strawberry scrub

    2. Restore skin with melon scrub

    Cantaloupe is one of the fruits that women love because of its sweet taste and fresh aroma. Not only is it a delicious dish, cantaloupe also has the effect of beautifying and moisturizing the skin. Because cantaloupe contains a large amount of vitamins A and C, and also has a lot of lycopene, which helps to completely remove dirt deep in the pores, restoring healthy skin. If you are tired of cantaloupe but still have half a fruit in the refrigerator, start making the simple body scrub recipe below to “give” your skin an effective recovery gift without taking much time to make.


    Ingredient :

    • 100gr cantaloupe
    • 67 gr granulated sugar
    • 1 teaspoon honey
    • The amount of ingredients is enough for 2 – 3 scrubs.


    How to do :

    • Use a spoon to scrape out 100 grams of melon flesh, including the seeds.
    • Put the melon and honey in a blender (15-30 seconds) or put in a mortar and pestle.
    • Add sugar, if you want it thicker you can add more sugar.
    • Pour the mixture into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator.

    How to use :

    • Take a few tablespoons of the scrub mixture and apply evenly on the skin and gently massage in circular motions.
    • Do at least 2 times for best results.
    • Remember to rinse thoroughly with clean water because the mixture is quite sticky.
    Cantaloupe Scrub
    Cantaloupe Scrub
    Cantaloupe Scub
    3. Moisturize your skin with yogurt mask
    Yogurt is a favorite food of women because of the benefits it brings. With a recipe of only 3 simple ingredients, homemade yogurt mask will help your facial skin become smoother and extremely effective in moisturizing. The honey ingredient in the recipe will penetrate deep into the skin, remove bacteria and dirt, and restore elasticity to the skin. At the same time, the natural scent of lavender will help you have a refreshing spirit and a good night’s sleep.


    Ingredient :

    • 2 tablespoons plain yogurt (if you can find Greek yogurt, even better!)
    • 1 tablespoon honey
    • A few drops of lavender essential oil (or 1/3 tablespoon dried lavender flowers)

    How to do :

    • Mix all ingredients together and put in a glass jar to store in the refrigerator.


    How to use :

    • Take a sufficient amount, apply evenly on face, neck and chest
    • Leave it on for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and you can use lotion or other body creams as usual.
    • Apply this mask 1-2 times/week.
    Yogurt honey mask
    Yogurt honey mask
    Yogurt mask

    Healthy skin care with fresh lemon scrub

    Fresh lemons contain many special nutrients, if combined with some other ingredients, they will become a beauty formula that is fast, cheap and safe for women. Use natural ingredients to have healthy skin and “prolong the life” of your skin!



    • 1/2 lemon
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil
    • 1 tablespoon honey


    Uses of ingredients :

    • Lemon juice is very effective in reducing blackheads on the skin, fading dark scars, skin pigmentation disorders and other signs of aging. In addition, lemon also contains natural antibacterial ingredients that help prevent acne and stop the appearance of other types of acne. Lemon juice has the effect of moisturizing, brightening the skin and preventing wrinkles.
    • Sugar is extremely effective in exfoliating and preventing skin aging. If you use a scrub mixture of brown sugar and olive oil, it will help your skin stay soft and elastic. Brown sugar removes dirt and tightens pores, helps balance the skin’s oiliness and protects the skin from toxins.
    • Olive oil is great for oily and dry skin because it contains antioxidants and beneficial fats, which help exfoliate and repair cracked skin. In addition, olive oil also increases elasticity, making the skin soft and smooth and effectively moisturizes.
    • Honey is a natural antibacterial medicine that helps prevent and treat acne. Honey contains many antioxidants that help slow down the aging process of the skin. At the same time, honey also has a skin lightening effect because it helps open pores to remove dirt.



    • Mix lemon juice, honey and olive oil well.
    • Add sugar and mix until mixture is thick.
    • You can add sugar if you find the mixture is not as thick as you like.
    • This recipe can be applied to your face, nails, and body too!



    • Use 2-3 times/week to see clear results.
    Fresh lemon scrub
    Fresh lemon scrub


    • 1 cup fresh pumpkin
    • 1 cup white or brown sugar (brown sugar is better)
    • 1 tablespoon coconut oil or olive oil
    • 1 tablespoon honey
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder or pumpkin powder (if desired)
    • Mill
    • 1 large bowl
    • 1 jar containing finished body scrub


    How to do :

    • Peel the fresh pumpkin and put it in a blender until smooth.
    • Pour pumpkin into a bowl, add sugar, coconut oil/olive oil and honey into the bowl and mix well.
    • You can add a few drops of vanilla essential oil if you want.
    • Pour the finished body scrub into a jar for later use.
    • You can decorate the jar with twine and a pretty tag.

    How to use and expiry date :

    • Fresh pumpkin scrub has a shelf life of about 4 – 6 weeks because the ingredients are very natural so it will spoil faster.
    • You should store the pumpkin body scrub jar in the refrigerator.
    • When using, do not let the skin get too wet because the pumpkin and honey ingredients are quite soft and will easily dissolve in water.
    Pumpkin Scrub
    Pumpkin Scrub

    Beautify skin with Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera, also known as aloe vera, aloe vera or long tu, is considered a “miracle drug” for the skin with many beauty effects. With many ways to whiten the skin with natural masks, it is a beauty trend of many women because it is not only safe, effective but also cheap.



    • Fresh aloe vera
    • 10g honey
    • 1 large bowl
    • 1 pot



    • Take about 100g of fresh aloe vera leaves, wash, peel, chop, then put in a pot, add about 500ml of clean water and boil over high heat.
    • Continue simmering for 15 minutes.
    • Take the decoction and mix with 10g honey.
    • Drink this water and apply it on your face, especially on pigmented areas for maximum effect.



    • The best way to beautify with aloe vera is to do it at night before going to bed so that your skin can relax, recover, and absorb maximum nutrients.
    • After 1 month, you will see significant improvement in your facial skin.
    Beautify skin with Aloe Vera
    Beautify skin with Aloe Vera

    Whiten skin with rice bran

    Rice bran and unsweetened fresh milk is a perfect formula for whitening the whole body and face that you should try at least once to feel the results. Surely after applying it, you will like it immediately and will continue to apply it next time.



    • 2 tablespoons pure rice bran powder
    • 1 pack of unsweetened fresh milk.
    • 1 cup
    • 1 small spoon



    • Mix rice bran with the right amount of fresh milk to get a smooth mixture.
    • After cleansing your face, apply this homemade whitening cream on your face and massage in a spiral motion to help the nutrients penetrate the skin more easily.
    • After about 15 minutes, rinse skin with cool water.



    • Apply twice a week, after just 2 weeks you will feel a clear change in your skin.
    • Look in the mirror and you will see your skin tone brighten.
    Whiten skin with rice bran
    Whiten skin with rice bran
    Treat acne and scars with turmeric powder

    Dark spots left by acne or scars on the skin, especially the face, make us lose confidence. Don’t worry because turmeric powder will help you solve it all and also provide moisture to the skin.



    • 1 cup turmeric powder
    • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
    • 1 cup
    • 1 face mask brush



    • Add 1 spoon of pure coconut oil to a bowl of turmeric powder, mix well, apply a thin layer of mask on the face and then massage in a spiral motion so that the nutrients penetrate the skin more easily.
    • After about 15 minutes, rinse skin with cool water.



    • Apply to skin about 15 minutes before bathing to provide the best moisture and nutrients for the skin every night before going to bed.
    • Do this 3-4 times a week for best results.
    Treat acne and scars with fresh turmeric
    Treat acne and scars with fresh turmeric

    Exfoliate with mint leaves

    Mint leaves exfoliate the skin, helping the skin to become brighter day by day, naturally rosy and not afraid of sunburn. Moreover, oily skin, dry skin, combination skin can all use this ingredient.



    • 1 handful of mint leaves
    • 2 tablespoons oatmeal
    • 1 cup warm water



    • Crush a handful of mint leaves and mix with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and a little warm water to form a thick mixture.
    • After wetting your face, apply the mixture you just prepared onto your skin and massage gently for about 2 minutes, then rinse.



    • Apply once a week to keep skin clear.
    Exfoliate with mint leaves
    Exfoliate with mint leaves

    Prevent wrinkles with avocado mask

    Avocado contains many nutrients such as Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Biotin and Fatty Acids. That is why avocado masks are always the first choice for women in home beauty. For acne-prone skin, you can combine tea tree oil and avocado. Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, so it is very suitable for treating acne. At the same time, tea tree oil also prevents skin aging.



    • 1/4 mashed avocado.
    • 2 tablespoons tea tree oil.
    • 1 cup
    • 1 face mask brush



    • First, you will need to gently wash your face with warm water or steam it to open up your pores.
    • Mix the butter and cajeput oil together.
    • Apply the mixture evenly on your face and cover it with a warm towel. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes then rinse your face with warm water then use cold water to rinse again to help tighten pores.
    • Finally use a soft towel to dry and apply moisturizer to the skin.



    • You can use this mask 2-3 times/week for best results.
    Prevent wrinkles with avocado mask
    Prevent wrinkles with avocado mask

    Flawless white skin with green tea mask

    Green tea is a natural ingredient that has long been familiar to beauty enthusiasts because of its high efficiency and benignity to women’s skin. Nowadays, green tea is not only a type of tea used to drink to detoxify, prevent aging, fight cancer, and purify the body, but tea leaves are also used to make green tea powder to nourish the skin to be white and bright, safe. Not only that, green tea powder also helps to keep the skin healthy, eliminate blackheads, and fight against harmful environmental agents such as sunlight, dust that clogs pores, etc. Green tea powder can be combined to make a mask with unsweetened yogurt, unsweetened fresh milk, pure honey or coconut oil, aloe vera, etc.


    • 1 teaspoon green tea powder
    • 2 tablespoons plain yogurt.
    • 1 small cup
    • 1 face mask brush



    • Mix the unsweetened yogurt and green tea powder in a small bowl. You can add a little water to make it easier to mix.
    • Wash your face with warm water. Then use a brush to apply the mixture evenly on your face and wait for 10 – 20 minutes.
    • Finally, wash your face with warm water first, then use cold water to tighten pores.



    • Use regularly 2-3 times/week to achieve the desired results.


    Similar to green tea-honey mask, coconut oil or unsweetened fresh milk,… you just need to mix the mixture in a proportional ratio, suitable for your facial skin. Note that if you have oily skin, you should add more green tea powder to keep your face clear after applying, and for dry skin, you should use more moisturizing ingredients.

    Flawless white skin with green tea mask
    Flawless white skin with green tea mask

    Smooth skin with honey mask

    According to experts, honey contains amino acids and vitamins that can effectively eliminate bacteria, minimizing the growth of acne-causing bacteria. In addition, honey also helps clean pores and even skin tone, effectively treating acne scars thanks to the hydrogen peroxide ingredient. Therefore, choosing honey as a skin care mask not only helps the skin become smoother and whiter but also protects the skin from the sun. However, because it contains natural acids and a rather thick and heavy texture, you should only use honey in a certain dose, avoid overusing it every day. For sensitive skin, you should consider before using honey because the possibility of irritation, burning, and discomfort to the skin is also very high.



    • 2 tablespoons pure turmeric powder.
    • 3 tablespoons pure honey.
    • 1 tablespoon fresh milk.



    • Mix well the 2 prepared ingredients, turmeric and honey, in a ratio of 2:3, add fresh milk and continue mixing well.
    • Then wash your face and apply the mixture evenly on your skin, leave it for about 10 – 15 minutes.
    • Finally, rinse off the mask with warm water and pat dry with cool water to close pores.



    • You should apply a mask with honey and turmeric 2-3 times/week for best results for your skin.
    Choosing honey as a skin care mask not only helps the skin become smoother and whiter but also protects the skin from the sun.
    Choosing honey as a skin care mask not only helps the skin become smoother and whiter but also protects the skin from the sun.
    Skin care with banana mask

    Not only is it a favorite fruit in tropical countries, bananas are also used as skin care masks because they contain abundant vitamins A, C, E along with K, Zn and many amino acids, extremely useful for oily and combination skin. The uses of bananas are very diverse, thanks to the ingredients containing many nutrients, bananas can bring 5 main effects such as: treating acne, regulating sebum, moisturizing, treating dark spots and fighting the aging process.



    • Half a ripe banana.
    • 2 tablespoons unsweetened fresh milk.



    • Mash the banana with a spoon, then add 2 tablespoons of fresh milk and beat well until the mixture is smooth and thick.
    • Wash your face with a warm towel or warm water, then apply a thin layer of banana – fresh milk mask on your skin.
    • Note: Do not apply to the eye area. Keep the mask on the skin for about 15 minutes, then wash your face with warm water and cool water.
    • Pat dry and continue with your usual skin care routine.



    • Like other natural masks, it is best to use banana mask 2-3 times/week.
    The uses of bananas are very diverse, thanks to the ingredients containing many nutrients, bananas can bring 5 main effects such as: treating acne, regulating sebum, moisturizing, treating dark spots and fighting the aging process.
    The uses of bananas are very diverse, thanks to the ingredients containing many nutrients, bananas can bring 5 main effects such as: treating acne, regulating sebum, moisturizing, treating dark spots and fighting the aging process.

    Use perilla leaf water to steam your face to treat melasma and freckles.

    Using perilla leaf water to steam your face to treat melasma and freckles is one of the popular natural and traditional methods for skin care. Perilla leaves contain many valuable nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamins C and A, which help brighten the skin and reduce melasma and freckles. In addition to helping the skin become brighter, this method also has the effect of soothing and relaxing the skin, bringing a feeling of comfort. Using perilla leaf water is a natural way, does not harm the skin and is often preferred by those looking for natural solutions in skin care.



    • 2 handfuls of thoroughly cleaned perilla leaves
    • 1 fresh lemon, thinly sliced



    • Boil about 500ml of water, put the ingredients in the pot and continue boiling for about 10 minutes to squeeze the essential oils from the perilla leaves and lemon into the water.



    • Gently open the lid partially and keep it 20 to 25cm away from your face to avoid heat burning your skin.
    • Steam for about 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water to help remove dirt and sebum inside the skin.
    • Should only be done 1 to 2 times per week, do not overuse as it can cause skin redness and burning.
    Use perilla leaf water to steam your face to treat melasma and freckles.
    Use perilla leaf water to steam your face to treat melasma and freckles.

    White skin, clear acne with cucumber

    Cucumbers are an incredibly valuable source of natural nutrients for the skin. They contain many vitamins and minerals that can support skin health when applied directly to the skin’s surface. In particular, cucumbers are rich in antioxidants, which help prevent the activity of harmful free radicals, which can help control acne on the skin. Vitamin C in cucumbers is one of the important ingredients, helping to increase collagen production for the skin. This not only helps the skin recover quickly but also prevents the appearance of signs of premature aging. In addition, folic acid and caffeic acid are also found in cucumbers, which promote skin regeneration, making the skin brighter and more beautiful.


    Ingredients: Cucumber



    • Cut the cucumber into thin slices lengthwise or crosswise.
    • Wash your face thoroughly to remove dirt, dead skin and unclog pores.



    • Apply cucumber slices to the affected area or entire face.
    • Relax your mind, wait about 20 minutes or until the cucumber is no longer cool, then you can remove it.
    • Rinse face with cool water, pat skin dry, pat dry with a soft towel and apply moisturizer.
    White skin, clear acne with cucumber
    White skin, clear acne with cucumbe

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